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2023 Fall Fundraiser
October 14th

This fun activity is not only a terrific bonding opportunity, but it raises necessary funds for Performing Arts programming, enhancing the experience for all NHS students.

Calling All NHS Performing Arts and Music Students!

We need YOU for the 2023 FOM FUNdraiser!


Saturday, October 14th 11am - 2:00pm

(select your 90 minute shift in the sign up)

Friends of Music (FOM), the NHS performing arts Booster Club, will hold this year’s

Student FUNdraiser on Saturday, October 14 th from 11:00 – 2:00pm (students will

choose a 90 minute shift in the sign up – or stay for both shifts!). This fun activity is

not only a terrific community building opportunity, but it raises necessary funds for

Performing Arts programming, enhancing the experience for all NHS performing arts

students. We are thrilled to offer our students the opportunity to FUNdraise for the

performing arts in which they thrive.

Who and What to expect? A mix of band, chorus, theater, orchestra, a Cappella,

theater, school musical, SAMD, and school play students/participants will gather, by

grade, to host a FUNdraising table at one of 4 high traffic areas in Needham. Students

will engage passers-by and fundraise for FOM. We will provide handouts and tools to

help them talk about their performing arts experiences. We will notify you of the

locations the week prior to the event.

Prize! The participating members of the grade which collects the most money will

win a prize! The winners will be announced at the Winterfest concert in December.

STUDENTS: Sign up HERE today to participate! And, please help us spread the

word by talking with your friends and sharing the link to help to make sure everybody

is signed up. Let’s get excited!

PARENTS: Please sign up HERE to volunteer, thank you for your support!

We look forward to your participation in this important FUNdraising event!


Please contact Linda with any questions.


© NHS Friends of Music

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