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NHS Music Department Trip to Prague 2020

In April of 2020, students who participate in a music class at the high school, will be eligible to go to Prague during April vacation. The cost of this trip is significant, and we want to make it possible for as many students as we can. NHS Friends of Music is developing fundraising plans to offset the cost of this trip for all students. 
To do this, we need your help. 
If you would like to donate time, expertise, or money, in any way small or large, please let us know by contacting
FOM board member, Karen Dasey.
For information about the itinerary, payments and other details, go to Mr. VanderWoude's webpage.


We are seeking support from local businesses to help reduce the cost of this amazing opportunity for all of our students. If you would like to make a corporate donation, you can find recognition levels and donation forms can be found here
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