Interested students may choose to audition for selective musical groups available for both instrumentalists and vocalists (see http://mmeaeasterndistrict.org/ for a list of groups). Students are encouraged to talk to their teachers if they are interested in auditioning.
Junior Districts
Junior Festival Auditions ("Junior Districts") are open to students in grades 7, 8 and 9.
Senior Districts
Senior Festival Auditions ("Senior Districts") are open to students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. Students who qualify for Senior Districts may then be asked to audition for the All-State Festival ("States") (See http://www.massmea.org/newsevents/auditions). Students who qualify for States may then be asked to audition for the National Festival ("Nationals") (See https://nafme.org/).
Senior District Auditions are held off-site in November. All-State Auditions are held off-site in January. Junior District Auditions are hosted by Needham and are held at Needham High School in January.