NHS Friends of Music depends on the generosity of donors like you, who make it possible for us to continue to enrich our students' performing arts experiences and to champion the creative success of our students without charging activity dues.
NHS Friends of Music is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Annual Appeal
The NHS Friends of Music Annual Appeal letters went out in the Fall of 2023. Thank you to those who have already donated or are planning to do so!
Does your company provide matching funds for employee charitable donations? NHS Friends of Music is a 501 (C)3 organization and welcomes the opportunity to double the impact of your gift through your company's matching fund.
Feel free to make a donation by clicking on the "Donate" button below to go directly to PayPal.
Giving Levels
Patron $250+
Benefactor $150-$249
Supporter $100-$149
Sponsor $50-$99
Friend Up to $49
Corporate Gifts
Every autumn, we send letters to businesses in our community to gain their support of the performing arts at Needham High School. To make a corporate donation, please contact us.
We sincerely appreciate your help.
Fall Fundraiser
Our Fall Fundraiser takes place in October. This year's FUNdraiser was a success thanks to the generosity of Needham residents!
2023-2024 Donors
Needham High School Friends of Music
wishes to thank the following people for their support
of music and drama at Needham High School.